I've have just published a collection of my columns on biography published every Wednesday in The New York Sun. I'm interested in hearing from readers of biographywhy you read biographies, what you like about them, what you don't.
A blog for biographers and their readers
Published on January 21, 2005 By Carl Rollyson In Welcome
I've just published READING BIOGRAPHY, a collection of my columns on biography for The New York Sun. The book is available from www.iuniverse.com, bn.com, and amazon.com. I'm interested in hearing from readers and writers of biography. What do you like about the genre? What you don't like? What problems or pleasures do you have in reading or writing biographies.
Comments (Page 4)
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on Feb 16, 2005
Comparing Liza N. Burby~{!/~}s biography, Carl Rollyson gives more details about Marie Curie~{!/~}s life.
on Feb 16, 2005
After reading about Hellman I think the main points in her life are brought out for example how she moved from place to place and had different experiences in which she could write about.
on Feb 17, 2005
that movie showed me some periods of her life; on there other hand biography gives more detailes about it. but still i dont want to make any conclusion about Hellmans character. in order to make any statments id like to get more infomration about Hellen. everythin i saw and red gave me some fragments of Hellens biography, but still i would like to read at least another book to see what kind of person she was.
on Feb 17, 2005
I agree that neither the Documentary nor essay on Hellman's life give enough information. Nevertheless, comparing them, I found more details about Hellman's childhood. The bifurcated life of a child could be the explanation of her unpredictable, sometimes masculine, behavior when grown up.
on Feb 17, 2005
Lillian Hellman was portrayed as a vulgar, abrupt and promiscuous person in the documentary. Everything she has accomplished was overshadowed by the first two minutes of the film. Her biography in “Reading Biographies” is a better representation of her.
on Feb 17, 2005
There is a paragraph in the prologue (page x), which describes Marie Curie as: “[Her] honesty sometimes hurt people’s feelings. Her fellow scientists sometimes complained that she was too abrupt and abrasive. She dominated arguments and did not compromise her convictions….”

I believe this paragraph can be used to describe Lillian Hellman.

Marie colleagues were male and they weren't use to assertive women, so they labeled her as abrupt and abrasive. This is also true for Lillian Hellman.

on Feb 17, 2005
A book and a movie. Each way has its advantages and disadvantages. The book is more detailed but not as picturesque as the movie. And vice verse the movie no matter how spectacular it is, it cannot go into details due to shortage of time.
on Feb 20, 2005
I learned that I should use more correct words and expressions to deliver what I want to write. I also learned that conclusion is not necessary when the body can summarize the whole story.
on Feb 20, 2005
After watching more documentary film about Lillian Hellman, I like the film better because the film gives audience more details about Lillian Hellman and third dimension. Audience can know more about Lillian Hellman from hearing and vision.
on Feb 20, 2005
Why is the real reason Rembrandt painted himself?
on Feb 20, 2005
The movie is more attrative than the books, because the movie gives you whole sense of what's going on the story, but book doesn't do that.
on Feb 21, 2005
The Lillian Hellman documentary enhanced my imagination about her life. I wasn't completely satisfied with just reading the book. The movie gave us some very important and detailed information on the events of her time. I believe that electronic media helps us make use of our sense organs other than our eyes. This helps us understand the subject in greater detail. I hope we get to see more documentaries on other people discussed in our textbooks.
on Feb 22, 2005
It seems to me that I have a great disadvantage in writing book reviews or biographical essays compared to Professor Rollyson. It is not only because he is a professor and a professional biographer but my main point is that I lack the knowledge of the genre as a whole, of the subject, and also of other biographers and their works. Thus, I am limited on commenting and comparing other works.
on Feb 22, 2005
After reading deeply into your Marie Curie book I saw that there were many points of relevance that you failed to mention. An example of this was you not imputing into your book about Marie and her first love and the reason she had a hard time accepting Pierre's proposal. (She vowed never to fall in love again, becasue she got hurt the first time when his parents didn't approve of him marrying her because she was poor).
on Feb 23, 2005
In the Lillian Hellman's biographical essay we see an elaborate discription of her life, writing career in particular. In my opinion, the essay is devoted to her plays. We learn what are they inspired with, how successful they were. However, Mr. Rollyson doesn't show us that much of Lillian as a person. Conversary, the Lillian Hellman's documentary gives us a vivid impression about her personality.
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